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, Major questions within this debate are whether the digitization and spatialization of information and knowledge empower citizens (transparency and accountability) or whether such tools increase levels of surveillance (Prins, 2012.

, The introduction of ICT-GIS-based KM systems influences work processes and interfaces with citizens in planning processes, administrative processes, interactive processes which provide feedback from citizens, and in the CSO-based construction of community knowledge (cf, 2012.

, We gratefully acknowledge the funding provided by the EU 7th Framework Programme. under project no. 244828)

, CNRS) France; School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) India, Cities for Life Forum

, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP) Brazil

, Concertación is the process in which stakeholders work together toward final outcomes

, Chennai the Development Authorities have their own GIS section