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Présentation du LCAR

Le LCAR (UMR 5589, Laboratoire Collisions-Agrégats-Réactivité) est un laboratoire de physique fondamentale localisé sur le campus de l'Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. Le LCAR est membre de la Fédération FeRMI (Fédération de recherche Matière et Interactions). Deux axes principaux sont développés:

    1. L’axe « interaction laser-matière » se focalise sur la manipulation par laser d’ondes de matières et l’étude d’effets fondamentaux.
    2. L’axe « Structures et dynamiques moléculaires » développe l’étude et la mesure de propriétés de systèmes complexes tels que des agrégats, des nanoparticules ou des molécules d’intérêt biologique et astrophysique dans leur environnement.


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In this article, we investigate the optical response of a duplicated two-level atomic medium submitted to a strong stationnary control field and a weak co-propagating probe field, orthogonally polarized to each other. We show that both reflected and transmitted components of the probe may be absorbed and amplified. Moreover, for low optical depths, reflection and transmission factors are controlled by the relative phase between control and probe fields, which makes the configuration we present here promising for the development of optical devices, such as phase-controlled switches.

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The wave nature of matter remains one of the most striking aspects of quantum mechanics. Since its inception, a wealth of experiments has demonstrated the interference, diffraction or scattering of massive particles. More recently, experiments with ever increasing control and resolution have allowed imaging the wavefunction of individual atoms. Here, we use quantum gas microscopy to image the in-situ spatial distribution of deterministically prepared single-atom wave packets as they expand in a plane. We achieve this by controllably projecting the expanding wavefunction onto the sites of a deep optical lattice and subsequently performing single-atom imaging. The protocol established here for imaging extended wave packets via quantum gas microscopy is readily applicable to the wavefunction of interacting many-body systems in continuous space, promising a direct access to their microscopic properties, including spatial correlation functions up to high order and large distances.

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We have observed the decoherence of a lithium atomic wave during its propagation in the presence of the radiation emitted by tungsten-halogen lamps, i.e., decoherence induced by blackbody radiation. We used our atom interferometer to detect this decoherence by measuring the atom fringe-visibility loss. The absorption of a photon excites the atom, which spontaneously emits a fluorescence photon. The momenta of these two photons have random directions, and this random character is the main source of decoherence. All previous similar experiments used small-bandwidth coherent excitation by a laser, whereas incoherent radiation involves several technical and conceptual differences. Our approach is interesting as blackbody radiation is omnipresent and decoherence should be considered if particles resonant to electromagnetic fields are used.

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Boltzmann showed that in spite of momentum and energy redistribution through collisions, a rarefied gas confined in a isotropic harmonic trapping potential does not reach equilibrium; it evolves instead into a breathing mode where density, velocity, and temperature oscillate. This counterintuitive prediction is upheld by cold atoms experiments. Yet, are the breathers eternal solutions of the dynamics even in an idealized and isolated system? We show by a combination of hydrodynamic arguments and molecular dynamics simulations that an original dissipative mechanism is at work, where the minute and often neglected bulk viscosity eventually thermalizes the system, which thus reaches equilibrium.

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The sinking of alkali cations in superfluid 4He nanodroplets is investigated theoretically using liquid 4He time-dependent density functional theory at zero temperature. The simulations illustrate the dynamics of the buildup of the first solvation shell around the ions. The number of helium atoms in this shell is found to linearly increase with time during the first stages of the dynamics. This points to a Poissonian capture process, as concluded in the work of Albrechtsen et al. on the primary steps of Na+ solvation in helium droplets [Albrechtsen et al., Nature 623, 319 (2023)]. The energy dissipation rate by helium atom ejection is found to be quite similar between all alkalis, the main difference being a larger energy dissipated per atom for the lighter alkalis at the beginning of the dynamics. In addition, the number of helium atoms in the first solvation shell is found to be lower at the end of the dynamics than at equilibrium for both Li+ and Na+, pointing to a kinetic rather than thermodynamical control of the snowball size for small and strongly attractive ions.

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